Connection to Country by Gumbaynggirr artist Brentyn Lugnan 2024

Continuing 25 years
Calling all Original Nations and Peoples (ONP - A reference to a free and original existence) Friends, Allies and Relatives to share voices and cultural knowledge on "Spiritual and Natural Law" understandings for Cultural, Social and Environmental Equity.

A special invitation
to ONP, our Knowledge Holders, Traditional and Contemporary Artists and Performers, Storytellers, and Film Makers

Sharing witness & testimony
for understandings of our relationships with each other and Mother Earth

17th - 21st December

Budaabang Gumbaynggirr Wajaarr
(Bellingen, NSW Australia)
Hosted by: Gumbaynggirr Peoples

Areas of Consideration for Summit: Wellness - Well-Being, Cultural Safety, Cultural Science - Environmental Science, The Doctrine of Discovery - Impacts of Colonization, Understanding the Sacred - Protecting the Sacred, Spiritual, Common and Environmental Law, Working Together - Transformational Collaboration, Relationships to Each Other and Our Planet 

Registration opens August 15, 2024

Join us & contribute to these efforts!
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These Events are 100% alcohol and substance free

Artwork: Connection to Country by Gumbaynggirr artist Brentyn Lugnan 2024

Empowered and supported by:


Copyright ©2017-2024 INITC. All rights reserved.


Stories and Songs 8 glyphs 2023